• Getting Started

    Download the Library The first version of the stonesThrow library is available for download! Version A001 (zip archive) Released: July 12, 2009 This library is being actively developed and the included functions are in the early proof of concept stages. There is a lot of room for optimization and improvement. Suggestions are welcome. Installing the […]

  • .remoteDigitalRead()

    Description Reads the value (either HIGH or LOW) from a specified digital pin on a remote I/O board . This function automatically sets the pinMode() of the target pin to INPUT. NOTE: the remoteRead functions in this library can be MUCH slower than remoteWrite functions.  This is because remoteRead requires a serial handshake, which is […]

  • .remoteAnalogWrite()

    Description Write an analog value to a PWM pin on a remote I/O board. The function automatically sets the pinMode() of the target pin to output. The analog write value expects a value between 0 – 255. Compare with Arduino analogWrite() Syntax remoteAnalogWrite(pin, value); Parameters pin: the target pin number, INTEGER value: 0 (off) – […]

  • .remoteAnalogRead()

    Description Reads the value from the specified analog pin of a remote I/O board. Newer Arduino based i/o boards have six, 10-bit analog to digital converters. Input voltages are mapped from 0 to 1023. The function returns the full 10 bit (max 1023) value. YOU must SCALE it for ANALOG output through PWM (analogWrite). NOTE: […]

  • .update()

    Description Polls the hardware serial buffer for incoming StonesThrow messages, and executes function calls. It can be included on its own or in a sketch with I/O functions. Syntax update(); Parameters none Returns none Context / Example: update() should be placed inside the loop() structure of an Arduino sketch.  It MUST be included in NODES […]

  • .remoteDigitalWrite()

    Description Write a HIGH or a LOW value to a digital pin on a remote I/O board. The function automatically sets the pinMode() of the target pin to output. Compare with Arduino digitalWrite() Syntax remoteDigitalWrite(pin, value); Parameters pin: the target PIN number, INTEGER value: HIGH or LOW Returns none Example: All examples require two NODES […]